After 12 days of riding, we are officially in the Midwest. After 108 miles from Louisville->Bloomington, IN, we have concluded our second 6 day stretch of riding. We were both more than ready for a rest day and couldn't have landed in a better spot. Bloomington is a lot of fun, it's a pretty hip town. It's different experience when the other half of the town's population is away on summer break. Our hopes for tomorrow's day off include bike shops, Soma coffee shop, book stores, Blue Boy Chocolate Cafe, The Kinsey Institute @ IU, possibly a fire tower hike, and maybe the Bloomington Community Band.
"Those goats are totally into us."
"Look at that bridge! Oh, those are power lines..."
"Wanna see a live snake?"
We have toyed with the idea of opening L&L RR & Saloon (Lee and Luke's Roadkill Restaurant and Saloon). It is disturbing how much roadkill we see in a day. We figure we could market it as all organic, free range "happy" meat. Our overhead would be nothing.
If you're wondering what people in Indiana call themselves, it is not Indianians. They are "hoosiers." Why? No one knows yet they all go along with it.
Going through Louisville was surprisingly painless for a Monday morning. We crossed over the Ohio River on the 2nd St Bridge, lots of fun. Riding the back roads of IN was incredibly uneventful. It was uncommon to see a car. Rural, very rural. We stopped in Salem, IN for lunch in the middle of town. We were literally in the middle of town. There was some kind of government churchy looking building in the middle of a roundabout that we rested near. Why placing a gigormous gun in the lawn of this building makes sense, I will continue to wonder. But we decided to take some cheesy pics of ourselves on it anyway. SE Indiana is beautiful. Full of fields of wildflowers.
Hah! In the photo -- Lee, you look like the tank commander in "Kelley's Heroes" and I'm expecting you to say any minute, "Always with the negative ways!"